At CAAN we are dedicated to supporting apheresis nurses from across Canada to attend the annual CAG/CAAN conference. However, travel expenses are a factor in enabling more nurses to attend conferences. Through the generosity of our sponsors, we can help fund some of the costs to attend CAG/CAAN conferences.
There are a few options for CAAN members to choose from:
CAAN Travel Scholarship
In 2022, CAAN introduced a nursing scholarship to sponsor an apheresis nurse to attend the CAG/CAAN conference. This scholarship is awarded to offset the cost of attending CAG/CAAN and includes early bird conference fees, travel (up to $500 CAD) and two-night's stay at the conference hotel. Applications for this scholarship must include a curriculum vitae and a letter of recommendation (400-word min).
One scholarship will be awarded each year
CAAN First-Time Attendee Grant
Interested in learning more about apheresis? We are happy to help novice apheresis nurse learn more about novel therapies and innovation in this exciting field! This grant will cover the cost of CAG/CAAN conference registration. Applications and receipts must be received by the deadline.
Open to all first-time attendees
CAAN Bursary
CAAN is committed to helping all apheresis nurses in their on-going endeavor towards professional development and apheresis education. This bursary will cover the cost of the early-bird CAG/CAAN registration fees. Applications and receipts must be received by the deadline.
Open to all CAAN delegates